Everything you need to know about In It Together

Ever wondered what it would be like to work with me one-to-one? You’re in luck! I’m here to give you the full lowdown!

Read on to find out what In It Together is all about, who it’s for, the problems it can solve, and what happens when we work together. 

If you’re anything like me you might also want to know the cost, so I’ve included the investment too. You’re welcome.

Ready? Let’s dive right in! 

What is In It Together? 

In It Together is my signature one-to-one programme that helps you go from a million ideas languishing in notebooks, to shooting for the stars with momentum and ease. In short, it helps you stop faffing so you can make a bigger impact!

It’s designed for creative people who have a clear direction they want to take their business in, but who aren’t great completer-finishers. They’re busy, but don’t seem to be making enough progress towards their exciting big goals. Not because there’s anything wrong with them, but because they’re simply not wired that way.

Which is where I come in! 

I’m the left brain to your right brain. You come up with the big ideas, I help you figure out how to get the work done.

Now, I know that might sound simple and you might be thinking “why can’t I do that myself?” 

But the truth of the matter is that we’re not taught how to prioritise, organise our never-ending to-do lists and juggle all the things life throws at us day in and day out. 

And it’s hard! 

Particularly if you’re a creative genius with a million ideas a minute. Your skills lie elsewhere! Which is brilliant, because we NEED fabulous people like you out there, doing your thing and making the world a better place. And you can do that so much more effectively if you get some help.  (None of us can do this running a business malarkey on our own - we all have things that make us feel like we’re wading through treacle, and that’s ok - we can’t possibly all be excellent at everything!)

I’ve been told that I’m a rare beast - I LOVE the implementation and I am a completer-finisher. Detail and planning are my happy place, and I adore partnering with my clients to figure out what’s most important so they can finish what they start. And THAT’S what In It Together is all about.

Who is this for? 

In It Together is not for everyone, but it IS for you if…

  • You’re clear on who you’re serving and what they need (you’ve worked with more than 20 clients and you’re getting great testimonials).

  • You have a VA or a small team to help you with the doing but you still feel like you’re treading water - not getting closer to your big, bold vision quickly enough

  • You’re not just in it for the money - you want to make a positive impact on the world too

  • You’ve got loads of ideas (new courses, a group programme, launching a podcast, retreats, events… the list goes on!), but they’re stuck in your head or gathering dust in notebooks

  • You’re self-aware, with a willingness - and some tools - to work on your mindset alongside the practical stuff if we notice that’s what’s tripping you up

This is NOT for you if

  • You love the hustle mentality and want to work All The Hours. That’s not how I roll!

  • You’re looking for quick fixes and hacks. Those things aren’t sustainable and I’d much rather take time to find what works for YOU.

  • You need new ideas to grow your business. If you’re not sure what to do to move your business forward, you might be better served by a business coach.

  • You’re not willing to be gently challenged.

  • You’re not ready to invest two hours a month to pause, make some decisions and get clarity on the actions you need to take.

If you’ve already experienced some success in your business, you have information and inspiration coming out of your ears, but the thing you’re struggling with is implementation… In It Together is for you. 

What problems will this solve? 

If you’re experiencing any of the following problems, In It Together can help:

  • You’ve got big things you want to get done, whether it’s launch that membership, write that book or record your next podcast series. Or all of the above and more! But it feels so overwhelming. You’re trying to do too many things at once but not getting anywhere with any of it. 

  • Follow-through isn’t your strong suit - you love the energy of new ideas, but you’re not a ‘completer-finisher’.

  • You’re busy all the time (not necessarily with the right things), and prone to frittering away the time you do have, which makes you so frustrated with yourself!

  • Ideas come thick and fast but get stuck on the way out. Content ideas pile up on a Trello list never seeing the light of day. Exciting programme outlines gather dust in old notebooks not benefiting the people you’re trying to help.

  • Important things get left to the last minute. ‘If only I’d given myself more time, I could’ve made a much bigger splash.’

If you are that person with loads of ideas who finds it hard to finish what you start, and if the missing piece for you is structure, planning and prioritising so you can keep moving forward towards your beautiful big vision, In It Together can help.

Why have I created In It Together? 

I created In It Together because I’m on a mission to change the world by helping YOU change the world. 

For years I saw creative, ideas people out there having fun and blazing a trail, and wished I could be more like them. Until one day it hit me: I envied the people fizzing with ideas and spark, but they also envied ME. 🤯

You see, I’m structured and organised, with a big dollop of kindness and empathy (I might love all the left-brain stuff, but I’m most definitely not a robot 😉). And to the right-brained folk for whom planning, prioritising and breaking big visions down into actionable steps doesn’t come naturally, that’s like manna from heaven!

Since starting this business in 2016, I’ve partnered with coaches, consultants and community-builders, helping them take consistent action in alignment with their vision and goals. To get those big ideas done. And to finally see speedy and tangible progress in their business.

I want you to land your ideas in reality, reach more people and make a bigger impact, whilst still taking care of everything you’re juggling day-to-day and being kind to yourself along the way. (The world doesn’t need any more exhausted, burnt-out, always overwhelmed business owners!)

I know from experience that when my practical, organised left brain partners with your creative, passionate right brain, incredible things can happen!

What’s included? 

Here’s how we’ll work together to get you taking the right action at the right time, and fulfilling your potential:

1. Getting started

First you’ll receive a kick-off questionnaire, inviting you to share your vision and goals, your current working patterns, and anything else going on in your life that’s relevant to our work together. Your responses will help me better understand what’s important to you before we get going, saving time on our first call, and ensuring that the plans we create together will work for you and your life. 

The result: You’ll feel clearer about what you want to accomplish, and excited to get started!

2. Your goal-getting gameplan

(2 x 1 hour calls PLUS vision and goals document)

To get you off to a strong start, during our first week working together we’ll have two, one-hour calls. By the end you’ll have a vision and goals document that clearly articulates what you want to achieve and that will keep you motivated and on track month after month. We’ll have checked in with your capacity to make sure you’re not biting off more than you can chew, and identified the activities that need to happen regularly for your business to thrive. 

The result: You’ll feel lightness and relief from not having to hold all this in your head on your own, and you’ll be buzzing with a sense of what’s possible now you have this level of clarity and focus.

3. Monthly calls (90-minutes) 

Here’s what we’ll do on our monthly calls: 

  • Reconnect with your beautiful big vision and goals

  • Reflect on last month, celebrating your wins and noticing the lessons 

  • Check in with your capacity, so the plans we create are realistic

  • Decide what’s most important for you to focus on during the month ahead

  • Identify action steps to move you forward

I ask questions, you talk, and I take lots of notes! 

The result: You’ll be ready to roll up your sleeves and get stuck in now you’ve made some decisions and know what to prioritise for the month ahead!

4. Monthly action plans

After each call I’ll bring it all together, creating a simple, flexible action plan just for you, to help you stay on track. This document is designed to support you, so you’re free to edit it in any way you like. I’ll be on hand to make sure it feels good - there’ll be no over-complicated, over-rigid planning on my watch!  

The result: The simplicity of your action plan will keep overwhelm at bay, so you can move forward with focus and flow.

5. Over to you!

Using the action plan as your guide, you take action towards your goals! I encourage you to update the plan as you go, so you get the dopamine high of ticking things off, and we can both see the progress you’re making. 

The result: Your sense of achievement and self-belief will sky-rocket as you keep putting one foot in front of the other!

6. Cheerleading and support

It’s important to me that you keep taking action, celebrate your wins and take good care of yourself along the way, so I’m here to help you get back on track or work through anything that’s stopping you from moving forward. We can check-in via Zoom, and support is also available via email or Voxer.  

The result: You never feel alone in your business. It feels great having someone at your side who’ll help you get unstuck and celebrate your wins with you.

What do you have to do if we work together? 

There are three things I ask my clients to do if we work together in this way: 

  1. Show up to our calls ready and willing! Ready to talk about what’s going on in your life and your business, and willing to make decisions about what’s most important, with my support.

  2. Look at your action plan regularly … and take action!

  3. Update your action plan at least 24 hours before our calls. Why? So we can both see your progress, prepare for each call, and make the most of our precious time together. 

What will I do if we work together?

As well as providing the support detailed above, here’s what else I’ll be doing throughout our time working together: 

  1. I’ll be the guardian of your vision and your goals, helping you keep sight of the bigger picture, avoid shiny objects and stay on track.

  2. I’ll help you make decisions and prioritise. I’ll be your sounding board. I’ll challenge you when necessary, and cheer you on every step of the way.

  3. I’ll make sure you’re not biting off more than you can chew. One of my superpowers is noticing when you might be taking on too much, so I’ll make sure the action plans we create are achievable in the time you have available.

  4. I’ll help you notice your patterns. Together we’ll spot what does and doesn’t work for you when it comes to getting stuff done. We’ll notice what you’re avoiding and where you might be getting in your own way.

  5. I’ll scribble furiously whilst we talk, capturing every action point that comes up during our monthly calls. That means you get to stay in your creative energy and don’t need to worry about missing anything. You can rely on me to catch the tasks that need to be done, and I’ll send them back to you in a beautifully clear action plan every month. 

This is called In It Together for a reason! 😉

How much does it cost? 

The investment for In It Together starts at £3,000, for a minimum of six months. 

Why six months? 

In It Together is not a quick fix. It’s a partnership. I want to get to know you and your business inside out, to help you make decisions, figure out your priorities and break projects down into teeny tiny steps so you can do the right thing at the right time not just once, but for the long-term. 

Having me at your side for six months will allow you to feel the impact of this work. Each time we meet we’ll have new insights about what does and doesn’t work for you, and you’ll be able to see the progress you’re making. 

If we’re having fun working together and you’re loving the focus, clarity and motivation that comes from having me in your corner, we can switch to rolling monthly support for as long as feels good to us both.

What’s the next step?

First we’ll have a virtual cuppa to make absolutely certain that In It Together is a good fit for you. Click here to book yourself into my calendar. If after our conversation you still want to go ahead, I’ll ask you to pay your first instalment and we’ll get your kick-off call booked in. 

Have questions? 

Feel free to get in touch! You can always email me at louise@bettylouonline.com


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