
A podcast for solo business owners who have a big, exciting vision and loads of ideas.

Each week I share bitesize insights to help you stop faffing and stay focused, so you can feel on it, finish your brilliant ideas and make a bigger impact in the world. All episodes are under 10-minutes, so I hope you can find a moment to Unfrazzle every week.

Grab a cuppa, scroll through the episodes below and join me, as we step away from the hustle and find a kinder, more sustainable approach to productivity.

Louise Miller Louise Miller

Episode 34: A surprising way to be more productive

Back in the day, I was desperate to find the magic bullet that would help me stay in control of the chaos that was flying at me from all directions. Imagine my surprise when I discovered that an approach usually associated with self-care will also help you get stuff done!

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Louise Miller Louise Miller

Episode 33: Rediscovering what matters

I’m back! Thank you for sticking around whilst I took a break from the podcast to recharge my batteries. In this week’s episode I share what I learnt during my time away. If you’ve ever felt out of whack in your business or your life, I hope this helps.

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Louise Miller Louise Miller

Episode 32: Taking a pause - an announcement

This week’s episode of Unfrazzle is a little different, as I share a personal update to explain why I’m taking a short break from recording this podcast.

Never fear, though – I’ll be back soon!

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Louise Miller Louise Miller

Episode 31: Ever had a week that went wrong?

Have you ever had a week where events seemed to be conspiring against you, and everything you’d hoped to get done went flying out the window?

In this week’s episode of Unfrazzle I share a time when that happened to me, and how I navigated all the frustration, irritation and guilt!

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Louise Miller Louise Miller

Episode 30: Slow productivity - it’s not what you think!

Is the idea of slow productivity appealing to you, or does it make you feel like you’re going to fall behind? In this episode of Unfrazzle, I share what I mean when I talk about slow productivity, and why it can actually help you get stuff done faster.

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Louise Miller Louise Miller

Episode 29: Busted! Caught procrastinating!

Just because I help people get stuff done for a living, doesn’t mean I never procrastinate! Today I ‘fess up about times I caught myself procrastinating, what I learnt as a result, and how that can help you get out of procrastination and back into focus more quickly.

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Louise Miller Louise Miller

Episode 28: Tedious tasks to do today?

When you run your own business and you’re wearing all the hats, it’s inevitable that some of the things you have to do are about as exciting as watching paint dry. In this week’s episode of Unfrazzle I suggest a way to motivate yourself to do the boring stuff.

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Louise Miller Louise Miller

Episode 27: Are your working hours working for you?

It can be hard to shake off the idea that to be a proper, successful business owner we should be glued to our desks 9-5. But does that actually work for you? In today’s episode I encourage you to follow your natural energy highs and lows to design working days that feel good.

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Louise Miller Louise Miller

Episode 26: Sharing the messy middle

Behind every offer you see being promoted out in the world, there’s a small business owner just like you, taking risks and figuring it out as they go. In today’s episode of Unfrazzle I share the messy middle of Make It Happen Club, and the sometimes tricky process of working out what felt good for me and my clients. I hope it helps you stick with it if things are feeling tricky right now!

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Louise Miller Louise Miller

Episode 25: Want to get stuff done? Get specific.

Have you ever heard the phrase ‘ambiguity is the enemy of execution’? It’s true! In this week’s episode of Unfrazzle we talk about what’s at risk when you’re not crystal clear about the next step you need to take to move a project forward.

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Louise Miller Louise Miller

Episode 24: How do you know what’s most important?

We all know that the key to being more productive is spending more time on what truly matters and less time on what doesn’t. But when you’re in the thick of it, how do you tell the difference? In this week’s episode of Unfrazzle I share some tips to help you know what’s most important so you can be sure you’re investing your precious time, energy and attention wisely.

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Louise Miller Louise Miller

Episode 23: Ever found yourself stuck in an overwhelm loop?

This week’s Unfrazzle is a little different! As well as talking about how to get out of an overwhelm loop, I invite you to join me for a workshop on 6th March. It’s an opportunity to dive in together more deeply, so you can make practical changes that’ll keep you taking the right action at the right time.

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Louise Miller Louise Miller

Episode 22: What to do when life gets in the way

When you’re a solo business owner, it’s inevitable that sometimes life will get in the way of your productivity. What do you do when that happens? In this episode I share how it IS possible to navigate those tricky times with ease, and still get what’s important done.

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Louise Miller Louise Miller

Episode 20: Why your work ethic isn’t working

Having a strong work ethic is usually considered a positive thing in our society. After all, the opposite of that is laziness, right? In this week’s episode of Unfrazzle I share why a strong work ethic can actually be a problem when you’re a solo business owner, and suggest a different approach that’ll keep you topped up with inspiration and that doesn’t make you lazy!

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Louise Miller Louise Miller

Episode 19: What to do when you run out of steam

Do you love the energy of a new idea, but run out of oomph before you get it out in the world, resulting in lots of half-finished projects? In this week’s episode I share a common reason why that happens, and what you can do about it.

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Louise Miller Louise Miller

Episode 18: The day I stopped being a wimp

In this week’s episode I share what happened on the day I realised I needed to stop being such a wuss. That moment happened three and a half years ago, but it’s not old news - it’s still the thing that motivates me to keep going, even when things feel hard.

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Louise Miller Louise Miller

Episode 17: A productive 2024 starts here!

Want to be more productive this year but not sure where to start? I’ve got you! In this week’s episode of Unfrazzle I share an alternative to new years’ resolutions so you can ditch the busy work and have an on-purpose 2024.

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Louise Miller Louise Miller

Episode 16: Are you Team Go or Team Slow?

Happy new year! There can be a lot of pressure to hit the ground running at this time of year, but is that right for you right now? In this week’s episode of Unfrazzle I encourage you to take a moment to consider how you want your January to feel. Are you giving yourself what you need?

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