Getting Stuff Done Gold #3: Are you getting enough sleep?

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How much sleep did you get last night? Did you wake up feeling refreshed and ready to take on the world? Or are you still groggy now, dragging yourself through your day feeling sluggish, irritable and unable to concentrate?

In this week’s Getting Stuff Done Gold, I’d like to introduce you to Kelly Exeter from Swish Design and A Life Less Frantic (you can see why I like her already, right?).

Her recent article, “The daily alarm that will make you smarter, nicer and more productive", caught my eye. 

In it, Kelly reminds us that sleep deprivation impairs decision-making, gives us brain fog, impacts our ability to get work done effectively and affects our ability to solve problems.


She’s not one to leave us hanging, though! Kelly also offers a simple tip we can easily implement right now (well, tonight) to give ourselves a fighting chance of getting enough shut-eye.  

You can read Kelly's full article here. 

What do you think? Will you be giving it a go?

**I just want to add that I know what it’s like when you can’t sleep, no matter how hard you try. And that when someone comes along and tells you how important it is to get a good night’s sleep, you may smile and nod politely but what you really want to do is administer a swift kick to the shins. To you, I can only apologise. (I can also suggest sleep meditations as they help me when I can't sleep. But mostly I apologise.)**


Have you found yourself still on the sofa late at night having binge-watched Stranger Things 2 (ahem)? Can you feel it the next day? I'd love to know whether you've noticed a correlation between how much sleep you get and your ability to get stuff done so do let me know in the comments below.

And of course, I’d love you to share this if you know someone who might find it useful.

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The importance of NOT getting stuff done.


Move it! Your frazzled brain will thank you!